Migrante33 aims to support the migrant population residing or in transit through Mexico to fully exercise their rights and a dignified life.
Migrante33 was born within the context of the organization and work of Colombian people living in Mexico. Because of this specificity, developing projects to support people of Colombian and Latin American origin is a priority for us.
Migrante33 develops its activities with a humanist vision: it promotes respect for people, care for life, and the exercise of human rights, on a basis of equity and with a gender perspective. Likewise, the permanent search for social justice, collective responsibility, respect for diversity, and care for the environment are the basis for the actions developed by Migrante33.
Migrante33 works to provide accompaniment, information, and resources so that migrants in Mexico have access to justice and the full exercise of their rights.
Migrante33 recognizes the value of life and nature as ethical fundamentals for the existence of those of us who inhabit the earth.

Being a migrant can be one of the most enriching experiences in life, it opens us to new paths and learning, allows us to learn from others, and shares our cultural heritage and ways of life. However, in the current context, migrants are exposed to many risks, violence and problems, which have to do with the lack of adequate public policies, with the conditions under which they are forced to migrate, the places of transit, or erroneous visions that threaten their right to change their place of residence or inhabit different worlds.
Migrante33 gathers the experience and the journey through Mexico of many Colombian people, we have been learning for more than 10 years, weaving networks of solidarity and affection. In 2019 and the face of the emergency generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we had the opportunity to strengthen our solidarity network by supporting more than 42 Colombian families who found themselves in difficulties of support, we helped together and together in the only way we know how to do it: as solidarity migrants who understand how difficult it is to start a new life in another territory. Along this path, we have carried out many processes around the exercise of free migrant citizenship, which contribute to the construction of peace and collective well-being in Colombia and Mexico. We believe that all migrants deserve conditions to live with dignity and contribute from their own experiences and cultural legacies. Migration enriches one’s own life and that of the host communities.
Throughout our trajectory as human rights defenders and as migrants, we demand rights such as the right to live in peace, with social justice, and without discrimination. We want a diverse world, where each person feels valued, respected, and loved for their qualities, interests, and tastes, where no one must hide or feel afraid because of gender, nationality, socioeconomic conditions, or ethnic origin….
We work for a Mexico and a Latin America where women no longer must live in situations of violence and harassment, where patriarchal and sexist systems are extinguished.
A priority area of work for Migrante33 is the research of the migratory situation in Mexico -especially of Colombians- to propose incidence actions that have an impact on the human right that we all must live with dignity wherever we wish to do so, without suffering discrimination, harassment or violence.
The need for an organization such as Migrante33 lies in the complexity of the migratory phenomenon. Mexico is a country of reception and transit of migrants among which there are groups of people with the need for differentiated treatment in the face of the problems of discrimination of Colombians in the air points of access to the country, a multiplicity of conditions of vulnerability and crimes committed against the Colombian population in Mexico (forced disappearance, human trafficking, femicides, homicides, etc.).
We are an organization that seeks to influence the generation of dignified living conditions for the migrant population, within the framework of Articles 1 and 33 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. In this endeavor, we do not start from scratch: we are part, along with other organizations of Colombians in Mexico, of a history of struggle and recognition of our community.